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Series of the day --> With You 我在你左右

     With You 我在你左右 is a Singapore Series. What is the Series about?? check it out on the description below.... As for my review of this Series: It is a very good. touching and consists a lot of things that we can learn from this series... So, for those Singapore series lover... you definitely going to love this... it's a goody .. so check this series out =)

主要演员表: 彭耀顺 周文安 陈汉玮 张扬 瑞恩 叶思琪 潘淑钦 赵美香 黄炯耀 张伟 鹤天赐 张焕 陈澍城 张永

 :: With You, 我在你左右::

Owner of a DIY shop, Zhou Wen An is a rough around the edges, yet easy-going man. He gets into a traffic accident with Zhang Yang, who is on his way home to celebrate his father's birthday. Wen An, who has a keen sixth sense, feels something amiss and advises Zhang Yang to stop riding the motorcycle. The latter refuses to listen and rides off. As a result of brakes damaged earlier, Zhang Yang dies when his motorcycle gets into a subsequent accident.
After passing on, Zhang Yang's soul is trapped at the accident site. Desperately trying to return home, Zhang Yang's attempts to seek help are futile as nobody can see or hear him. Just when he thinks all hopes are dashed, Wen An appears. Besides being able to see Zhang Yang, Wen An can also communicate with him. Zhang Yang begins to pester Wen An as he strongly believes that only Wen An can help him to return home. Not one to give in to threats, Wen An tries to shake Zhang Yang off, only to have Zhang Yang re-appearing next to him time and again. Seeing that Zhang Yang is a filial son, and feeling that he was indirectly responsible for Zhang Yang's death, Wen An decides to help the latter.
Wen An starts hanging out at the coffee shop own by Zhang Yang's father, Zhang Yong Sheng. His over enthusiasm has the Zhang family thinking he is out of his mind. Despite the Zhangs' reserved attitude towards him, Wen An continues to help Zhang Yang as promised......

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L|gHt Up The World by Putting some M|Ricals in your Own Wor|D

L|gHt Up The World by Putting some M|Ricals in your Own Wor|D
生命中最有趣的事情,就是你不知道会在什么地方,什么时候,遇到什么人,发生什么事。人生就像拼图一样,虽然只是少了小小的一块, 也可能会是心底最深的遗憾 ..通过音乐节....找回自已, 寻找不同的我 Dec|p- Aihtnyc 最温柔的悬念 Trust Of Miricles
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